Why The Measurement API?

Why does Different Breed use the measurement API instead of Tracking Pixels.


This guide explains why Different Breed uses server-side tracking with measurement APIs instead of traditional tracking pixels.

The Problem

Traditional tracking pixels track user interactions on a webpage using scripts by linking events to a measurement ID or pixel ID. However, these scripts cannot disable tracking or change the pixel ID without reloading the page.

Different Breed loads pages directly in the browser, not from a server, meaning we cannot remove the tracking added by these scripts as the user navigates our site and as a marketplace with various sellers and events, we cannot isolate tracking events to only your own events using the traditional tracking pixel implementations. If we did use tracking pixels it would lead to inaccurate data due to event tracking leaking across different pages and sellers.

How the Measurement API Solves This

The measurement API, offered by providers, allows events to be sent from our Different Breed servers. This approach eliminates data leaks and gives us control over events on each page.


  • Unlimited Data Streams: Unlike pixels, we support unlimited data streams for your events.

  • Ad Blocker Bypass: Server-side events bypass most traditional ad blockers.

  • Accurate Data: We ensure high-quality data control.

  • Privacy: Restrictive tracking ensures customer privacy and data security.

Overall, this solution gives you complete control over event tracking, ensuring accurate reporting for your needs.

Last updated